There's Something In The Air


Yes, fair reader, you guessed it. The answer is spring—spring is in the air. And fortunately for us, spring typically smells like the sizzle from a succulent grilled paradise. I’m temporarily blinded just thinking (and looking) about it. And while baseball may be the official pastime of spring, I, for one, can hardly imagine fully enjoying the sport without a serious grill-laden tailgate or two.

However, here’s where the two traditions diverge: while baseball is supremely healthy, keeping participants active, engaged, and alert, we cannot in good conscience always reciprocate the same good vibrations about the ubiquitous spring grillfest. Rife with hulking burgers, fatty hunks o’ steak, or piles of processed meats, like any baseball team, a license to grill can turn ghastly if not managed well. So heed the forthcoming scouting report from the grizzled vets at wellness360 to ensure your team of spring cuisine is more Rays (quite good) than Rangers (endless disappointment).

Are you grilling? ARE YOU GRILLING UNHEALTHILY? There's no unhealthy grilling advice in blogging!

Are you grilling? ARE YOU GRILLING UNHEALTHILY? There's no unhealthy grilling in blogging!

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