Stymie Your Holiday Stress


Cousin Eddie: “You surprised [to see us], Clark?”
Clark W. Griswold:
“Surprised, Eddie? If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am right now.”

If you can empathize with Clark, it’s no surprise to you, then, that during the holidays, we can all get a little stressed. Sometimes, unfortunately, that stress can even contort itself into depression. But really, it’s not that surprising or even embarrassing; if anything, it’s ordinary. Juggling work, marriage, kids, and bills on TOP of shopping, planning, cooking, organizing, decorating, schmoozing, and traveling is daunting for any human. We’re mere mortals. When you prick us, do we not bleed? When you overload us with junk to buy and eat, do we not collapse? Something is rotten in Santa’s workshop. It is the winter of discontent, and we’re all under the weather. Lucky for us, Wellness360 has the antidote for these holiday afflictions.


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Shop Green–err, I mean, Shop Healthy and Efficiently This Holiday Season


Attention consumers: …. wait, hey, don’t look behind you! I’m talking to you. Yeah, you. You. You’re being coy. Don’t be coy. Don’t be elusive. This is not the season of being elusive; this… is the season of consumption! The holiday shopping season is upon us, bashful consumer, and that means two things: avoid Wal-Mart and avoid Wal-Mart (laugh track). But seriously, folks, instead of a white Christmas or a Lloyd Christmas, consider a green Christmas—or an energy efficient Christmas, as it were, since that’s the term that resonates most strongly with consumers; according to BNET Insight, it’s because energy efficiency is easy to understand.

During these lean economic times, one could argue it’s popular also because it’s ubiquitous: the International Energy Agency’s latest World Energy Outlook relates that our globe’s current energy trends are patently unsustainable, while HealthCastle insists we’re all having problems staying energized as winter approaches. Fortunately, in the spirit of green energy efficient Christmas, Wellness360 has found some seasonal shopping tips (think of them as coupons) to help remedy these energy ailments as Santa himself undoubtedly would: easily, jollily, and hollily.


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